Sunday, 30 March 2008


又一个快乐的 Sunday~ 因为。。。我终于找到它了!

MPH, Borders, 最后终于在 IKANO Popular 找到了它! 当售货员递给我时, 我还不敢相信, 甚至禁不住跟售货员介绍这本书。。太高心了~~ * 笑 *

《一公升的眼泪》, 听他说很棒, 于是就想不妨看一看吧。带回家后却置自不理, 忙嘛。。 直到弟拨电话来催我看, 才从DVD 堆里翻找回出来。


从剧里得知这麽感人的故事并不是虚构的。 这部剧是从日本的一本极为感人畅销的作品改编,作者木藤亚也,患上一种罕见而且至今尚无药物可治的疾病---脊髓小脑萎缩症。

14 岁的亚也运动读书音乐样样皆能,正值青春年华,即身染绝症。 在其发病到丧失行动能力,走路,说话,甚至到最后连进食也有可能
随时被呛到而失去性命的八年中, 她用尽生命集结的日记, 记录着自己的决心,鼓励,反省以及感谢, 一直到无法书写为止。 1986 年由《 FA出版社》首次集结成书,带给数以万计与病魔奋战的读者无比鼓励和希望,1988 年五月,亚也在全家人的守护下永远离开这个世界, 结束25 年短暂却灿烂绽放的人生。后来拍成电影与电视剧播出时, 在日本更造成惊人的收视率。

就是它让我疲于奔走, 但一切都是值得的。《一公升的眼泪》

意外的收获, 亚也母亲潮香的手记。 除了记载在亚也病情恶化至无法写日记后的点滴,也叙述母亲25年来独自突破障碍的旅途。

逛书局是我最爱的休闲活动 ^^~~

看到一片书海, 我就莫名的高兴。。=D

《那怕是多麽微不足到的弱小力量, 我还是希望能够帮助别人。》--亚也

且让我看完这本书再和大家分享。。 得睡了,各位晚安!

Saturday, 29 March 2008

Health Care

  • Reduce the amount of TEA you consume
  • Do not eat bread which has only JUST been toasted
  • Keep your distance from hand phone CHARGERS
  • Drink more WATER in the morning, less at night
  • Do not drink coffee TWICE a day
  • Reduce the amount of OILY food you consume
  • Best sleeping time is from 10pm at night to 6am in the morning
  • Do not have HUGE meals after 5pm
  • Do not take alcohol more than one glass/cup/serving a day
  • Do not take pills with COOL water
  • Do not lie down immediately after taking medicine before sleeping
  • Getting LESS than 8 hours of sleep affects your health
  • People used to napping will not get old easily
  • When battery is down to the LAST grid/bar, do not answer the phone The radiation is 1000 times
  • Answer the phone by LEFT earIt'll spoil your brain directly by using right ear
  • Do not use headphones/earphone for LONG period of time
  • Rest your ear awhile after 1 hour

Friday, 28 March 2008

It's nearly 4am at the morning and I'm still awake. Trying hard to fall asleep but I couldn't, probably because of tomorrow's rehearsal. I'm actually quite nervous and worried about it.. *sigh*
Although have been practicing hard lately but I'm still lack of confident.. *Awful*

addy called for supper while on the way home tonight. We didn't meet for quite some time, since his birthday, It was 2 weeks ago. He sounds down over the phone, I knew something had happened to him.

It's drizzling tonight.. The mamak stall that we usually go was full of people. We changed to Kuchai since we can't find any parkings after a few minutes. It's getting more happening in Kuchai, Cafe 2496 was actually our 1st choice but it's all occupied. Finally we got into Station 1, first time I've been here and it's terribly crowded tonight. I don't quite enjoy the atmosphere, it's noisy.. I prefer quiet place but we've got no choice..

I had a little kid's meal for my supper and addy ordered Tom Yam Mee Hoon. Well you can imagine how my brother laughed badly on my colorful plate but I don't care.. It's late and I just want to take smaller portion.. I knew it's funny, too bad I forgot to take photos..

The meal was simply normal, but our conversation were much better with laughters. I hope he will feel better, yet I don't think I can help much..

It's about 1am when we left. addy show me his favorite song lately while on the way home. Oppss.. I've forgot the title, it's sang by Micahel Wong and Jiang Mei Qi. Silly us were singing loudly in the car as usual... *grin*

*That's my Specs! Looks like wicked man.. he said* laugh out loud*

*This is the original one, looks much better!* :)

It's 5am now. I need to go back to school earlier today, have to practice a little bit more before the real rehearsal. May God bless me, hope everything will be going fine.. *pray hard*

Oh ya, that's a lovely new member at our home today. Well.. a cute, adorable and simply clumsy little one.... I will let ya know later ^^

Thursday, 27 March 2008


今天起了一个大清早,天还没亮呢, 因为要回学院练习。

能呼吸这一刻的空气, 我是幸福的。。

能做自己想做的事, 如常人般健康的行动, 就是很幸福的。 对某些人来说, 这甚至是遥不可及的。。 幸福,它并不是必然的。 它就在身边,我要无悔的珍惜它。。

早啊~ 愿你都有这美好的一天~ =)

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

~New members~


The new members of jeSs's room~ =>

~*My lovely bed*~ (only the rug & the pillow are new* ^^)

*My new table~ ^^

*Oh I love this pink lilttle chair soooooo much!, It's just adorable!* ^^

*Cute liltle pots who live up my room^^*~

I hope my blog would not be weird since I'll be using dual languages. Depends on my mood, maybe later will come up with French, because I'm gonna start my French class soon =p

Well, I might be too tiring after the few days of rehearsal & practicing for the ballet students. They are going for exam probably next month, therefore we must practice more regular. I felt the invisible pressure in my heart, not only this is the first time to be a ballet accompanist but also the first Ballet exam in our Music School. I hope everything will go smoothly.. *pray hard*

My eyes could hardly open now, and my mind is in heaven.. It's really time for bed, good night everybody~

p/s: Oh ya, Thank God Babe Eve feel better today ^^... Miss u dear... gd nite.. muacks*

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

今天发生了一件意想不到的事情, 令我很感慨。。

今早一觉醒来,已经是日上三 竿了。。怪我昨晚太兴奋了。 啊,请别误会。。都是为了我这第一个部落格,其实从小就有写日记的习惯, 到现在已有好几本日记了。 有时候看回自己以前所写的,真的百感交集。 有很好笑的,很无聊的, 很傻的,还有很多连自己也已经遗忘了的事情。。 。 日记,它陪同我见证了岁月的经过。

睡醒后一下楼爸就告诉我, 说我的手机响了好几遍, 昨晚我竟然把手机留在楼下! 一看有好几个 missed call 和 message, 其中有 babe eve 的, 立刻回电给她。 我好担心, 因为她生病了,出智慧牙呢,还喉咙发炎, 连说话都困难。 她说昨天刚开刀但是今天伤口还更肿, 还很疼很疼。。。 我可以想象因为我也曾经历过, 安慰她之后希望她快点康复, 好想念她呀~

洗刷完毕就出发, 今天得去
Ampang City Square 拿货。 顺道就在那里的一家法国餐厅吃 "brunch"。 这家餐厅叫 Porto Romano, 其实我很想来这家餐厅很久了, 但每次都很匆忙,这一次终于有机会了, 结果没有让人失望,食物真的很有水准!超好吃!

Restaurant Porto Romano*

*Dory Fillet* with lemon sauce. *thumb up*

Spaghetti Cabonara *two thumbs up* ^^

回到学院大约四点,开始教课到晚上。 直到最后一个学生, 她是我很多年的学生了, 我们亦师亦友, 她今年就读中四。 一坐下她就问我是否今天就是这个月的最后一堂课, 我感觉有点奇怪, 谈下去才得知她要停止学钢琴,是因为家里经济出现了很大的状况。 说着说着她竟掉眼泪,我有点手忙脚乱。。 因为认识她这麽多年,她给我的印向一直都是很乐天又开心的, 脸上永远都挂着笑容, 从没有见过她愁眉苦脸,更何况掉眼泪。 我忙安慰她,但都没有好转, 眼泪还越掉越凶。。 看着她, 我知道她是舍不得音乐。。和我。。 我心里也很难过, 但当然不能表现出来, 免得让她更伤心。 最后我弹了几首歌, 看她把眼泪给止住了,才继续上课。

上完课, 我如常的送她回
OUG meet 她的父亲, 一路上她都不说话。 我知道她很down, 我也尽量说些冷笑话想打圆场。。 可惜都没有什麽效果。。。唉。。

跟妈吃完宵夜后,就回家上 msn 。 我想再跟她谈一谈, 果然她也在。。 问她有没有好一点,她说好一点吧。 聊了过后我才知道她其实瞒着她的父母而停止学钢琴的, 她不想增加他们的负担, 虽然她们都没有反对她继续学琴。 我听了好感动,也觉得这个小孩真的很懂事。。 从她身上我看到她对音乐的那份热爱, 所以我决定告诉她我不介意免费教她钢琴, 只要她肯用心学习。 结果她很惊讶, 也很开心。

可以做自己想做的事情是何等幸福, 要好好珍惜所拥有的,因为说不定明天一切都不一样了。。

糟了!又写到凌晨。。。 明天还得早起呢!啊, 晚安了各位!

Monday, 24 March 2008


今天其实很不舒服的,可能因为昨天太累了吧!但还是很开心,因为买到我想要买的东西。 昨天和妈咪去 IKEA, 在那儿逛了一整天。。 买了好多东西。。 搬得我周身酸痛 >.< 我们先在 Kluang Station 吃了 "brunch" 然后才开始血拼。

Kluang Station  

从下午大约一点多逛到晚上八点钟,直到妈大喊吃不消,又累又饿时才结束我们的周末疯狂大血拼。 我们打算先把东西搬进车子才去 The Curve 吃晚餐, 结果还是得劳烦员工的帮忙才顺利把所有的东西搬上车。。。 因为东西都太多又大份,没有经验还真不懂如何塞进车子里。。 哈哈!

之后我们回到 IKEA 的 Super market, 妈要买瑞典的饼干。。我很爱吃的 ^^
过后我们去 Starbucks,因为要把维也纳买回来的咖啡豆拿去把它变成咖啡粉,家里没有咖啡机嘛。。顺便当然买了我最最爱喝的 Starbucks 啦 ^^

Kluang Station 吃那里的鸡饭,但那太油腻了,我提议去 Italianies 可路上经过Marche, 妈拉着我进去。。。 结果我们就在Marche吃晚餐了。其实我有整一年没来了, 好怀念呢。。。

*~ 漂亮的妈妈 ~*

我最爱吃的 Ceasar Salad~*

服务生帮我们拍的 ~*


晚餐过后下起了倾盆大雨,本来打算回家的又被逼更改计划。突发奇想的想看电影, 但是雨势太大了,根本过不去。 到处闲逛买了一件很喜欢的衣服, 最后实在太累了。。才舍得回家。

到家了,妈太开心了,迫不及待跟楼上的爸喊,说买了他很想要得椅子给他, 爸当然开心呐~ ^^
我呀,一路忙到凌晨四点多才肯睡。。终于把桌子和椅子弄好了。。。哈~~ 太开心了,因为我真的很喜欢很喜欢这一次买的所有东西 ^^