Karen is having her teaching exam today. She is one of our second ballet teacher which still under going her Diploma in teaching.
She was quite nervous while the examiner has arrived. Therefore I suggested we should take some photos and I told her she really looks fabulous today, isn't she? *smile*
That works! And she was doing great, Congrates! *grin*
I'm really touched and pretty surprised for what I have received on my birthday this year. A thousands thanks to lovely babe Eve and Babe Quin. For they were willingly celebrated my birthday even though when their final second year of LLB exam is at the corner.
I appreciate that alot alot alot... Thanks dear.. *sob sob*
Here, some of the most precious prezzie I've received..A Handmade card from my lovely babe Quin~
A card with a long message by my babe Eve~ ^^
Jessica's frame! Lovely gift from babe Eve =)
Oh what a life of bliss! I'm feeling so happy and loved~~
Sweet dreams everybody!
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7 years ago