I don’t think I’m a naturally disciplined and focused person.
I’m more of a “all over the place person”. I have so many interests and passions, that I often find myself losing focus.
I get easily distracted by problems and projects. I get side-tracked by interesting projects that pop up. Or I have little flits of inspiration that take up large amounts of time.
I think if I didn’t practice any self-discipline, I’d find myself 5 years down the track, thinking, “Huh? Where’d my life go? What did I do with my time?”
So I believe in setting personal and life goals.
Throughout 2008, I’ve made it a point to reflect and work on them every month. And I must say, I’ve found it to be very fulfilling and rewarding.
My goals for the new year are [still] very simple.
Take care of myself. Eat well. Live well. Exercise. Have time for myself. Balance my activities. Manage my stress and anxiety.
Take care of my family. Love my parents. Make time for them. Talk. Laugh. Be honest.
Take care of my pets. Have alone time with each of my pet. Talk to them. Play with them. Enjoy them. Create happy experiences for them.
Be part of my community. Make time for friends. Give my time to helping others. Organise gatherings.
I do have a few more ambitious goals. But these take second place to the ones mentioned above.
1) Develop and dedicate a bit more time and energy to this blog.
2) Run in a marathon more ofthen.
3) Master the guitar and keep upgrade my violin.
4) Learn to speak Korean and French.
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7 years ago