I'm officially off for five days ^_^
今天本来要早起的, 因为得上绘画班。 但实在爬不起来,床太舒服了~ *笑*
结果我还是有上课,不过是上下午那班。 今天不知不觉竟画了四个小时,画时不觉得累, 驾车回家途中才觉得头昏脑涨。。 怪昨晚夜睡, 精神不济。。 >.< ~*美丽的庭院*~ 这并不是我的画, 我还没有这功力。 是前辈的画, 很美所以拍下来了。
晚餐和爸妈一起去 Taipan USJ 吃我爱的 Teppanyaki。这家是我试过城中最好吃的 Teppanyaki, 不过可能有更好吃的, 如果大家知道请记得告诉我哦。餐厅的小水池, 等待坐位时所拍。。
累了一天的我 =>
最近爱上摄影, 很喜欢这张照片呐~ =)
我的至爱, Sushi & Sashimi~ ^^
爸点的独门花生奶油酱羊肉, 是这家店的招牌菜哦~ 可想而知多美味吧 ^^
接下来我要好好享受我的holidays, 会有五天呢 ^^
难得的假期, 我要好好利用时间多休息, 不过大后天还是得回学院彩排芭蕾舞考试的伴奏。离正式考试就两个星期,更加要多加练习的。
愿大家都有美好的每一天, 晚安~~
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Sunday, 20 April 2008
A Sunday Out
It's been quite some time I didn't update my blog, I felt sorry...
Nothing special during the weeks, besides working still working =.=
But, I have a great Sunday. Family day ^.^
We went Pavillion for Dinner and movies.
Yeah, it's "movies", 2 movies one after another! =p
We went Ichiban Sushi for dinner, it's really Ichiban *absolutely delicious*Mummy's *I love Califonia roll* face lolz~
Daddy's order, black pepper chicken Don~ *delicious* yummy~ ^^
My main Course: Unagi and Sashimi set >.~ *heart*
We headed to cinema right after the dinner. It's Sunday and we didn't make any bookings, the movie that we intended to watch was actually "The Forbidden Kingdom"
The first movie was
However the second main movie that we intended to watch was unexpectedly let me down. Well, it's not that bad but I don't think it's new in story line. Although the movie was rather disappointed to me, but I like their costumes, backgrounds and their actions.
All were best actors & actresses, and of course the good team of directors and producers. It should be a good show. *shrug*
Sunday, 13 April 2008
Compassion and Love
从前, 有一个小女孩 。
于是, 她就上前问第一个男人:“叔叔 叔叔,你在做什么呢?” 那男人很不耐烦的回答她:“你没长眼睛吗?在起着墙壁啊!” 因为他并不喜欢他的工作。
小女孩又再问第二个男人:“ 叔叔 叔叔, 你在做什么呢?” 第二个男人就笑着回答她说:“哦,我在起着一栋大厦呢!” 他还蛮喜欢自己的工作。
然后小女孩再问第三个男人:“叔叔 叔叔, 你在做什么呀?” 第三个男人很开心还哼着歌的回答她:“啦啦啦啦啦~ 哦, 我在起着一个美丽的城市啊!” 因为他很热爱他的工作。
从事钢琴老师这一行已踏入第八年了。 自己并不是很有耐心, 也老是爱往外跑的人。 要我对着小瓜们, 坐在房间里一整天, 有的还时常不爱练琴 。。 有时想起来也觉得不可思议。
虽然会觉得乏味, 不过我还记得我初入行时曾经问过一位资深的老师, 他少说教琴也有二十年了。 当时我问他教了这么多年, 你难道不闷吗? 他笑笑的回答我:“不。”
简单的一个字, 当时的我并不明白。 现在大慨明白了一大半吧 *笑*
心态是很重要的,不时常提醒自己就走不下去。 自己开心一点,学生们也学的快乐。 至于不爱练琴的, 唉~ 我想再多十年, 我还是很难忍的。 *无奈*
唯有常常记住主的话, 那是锻炼耐性和心智重要的一环。
Let me share these lines from an unknown poet:
Just to be tender, just to be true,
Just to be glad the whole day through,
Just to be merciful, just to be mild,
Just to be trustful as a child:
Just to be gentle and kind and sweet,
Just to be helpful with willing feet,...
Just to let love be our daily key,
That is God's will for you and me.
Beloved, if God so loved us,
we also ought to love one another. 1 JOHN 4:11
Friday, 11 April 2008
Just a little update of my week.
I am being a worker bee lately again.
Morning till night staying in the studio, practicing as much as I can..plus giving lessons, I'm so exhausted. @.@
Oh dear, when is all my holidays again? *sniff sniff*
I really need a vacation..the holidays I've planned was in June, still have 2 more months to go T.T
Jun Wei has came back from Bangkok. I can't wait to see him, we will be meeting on Monday. ^^ Then he will be leaving to India on Tuesday for few years... *sob sob*
It's about 1:30am at the morning, and tomorrow is Saturday (the War day).
Thank God it's drizzling outside, I can stay under my comforter whole night long with sweet dreams...
Nitez everybody~
*Let the peace of God rule in your hearts.* COLOSSIANS 3:15
Tuesday, 8 April 2008
一夜无眠,眼睛肿肿的, 丑死了。。
最近不知是否压力, 成天都睡不着。。 明明累到不行,偏偏在床上翻来覆去都睡不下。 这种失眠的痛苦也不是第一次,过一段时期就会自动痊愈的。
清明时节天天都下雨,出门不能忘了带伞。天气不是变化无常,但我的心情却起伏不定。大慨睡不够, 连带EQ 也跟着下降。。
今天上第二堂的绘画课,因为不够精神,花了多一倍的时间才画出个大纲, 好糗好糗 >.< 我的午餐~
好了, 得睡了, 要不然明天 Concerto 又多了只丑丑的熊猫。。
Monday, 7 April 2008
Beautiful Monday~
I have a date today.
With babe Eve. ^^
I supposed to bring her to Taipan for Teppanyaki, but unfortunately it's closed! *disappointed*
We tried to find another near by Japanese restaurant, so happened we went to Korean BBQ. *grin*
First time we've been to this restaurant, the food here were unexpectedly delicious. =)It's a little creepy where there were only us in the entire restaurant. O.o
Cute babe Eve *hugs*
The appetizer, salads~
*Pork ribs*
Babe eve, you ate so many food? *wide eyes* =p
I love Korean food!
I'm having the best time ever. ^^
Thanks babe eve! *hearts*
Saturday, 5 April 2008
The precious moment
Saturday is the busiest and longest working hour day. Usually will go home right after work but today I had dinner with parents. We seldom have family dinner together due to our odd working hours, unless for supper. *lol*
We went Mid Valley Dragon-I for dinner. I was shocked when I saw the long queue. Oh dear I was starving.. Luckily we just waited for about 10 minutes. ^^
Their services were satisfied, all the dishes were served in less than 15 minutes except for the desserts.
I love the food here, it's simply delicious!~Photo section while waiting for the dishes~
My Beijing Zha Jiang Mian
Mommy main course, fried seafood "La Mian" *delicious*
My favorite Xiao Loong Bao! ^^
Daddy main course. I love this most!
It's been so busy with work lately. Finally we got the letter from the examination board, I was so worried because the letter was late for a month! I can't even sleep tight for that. T.T
Thank God it's finally here. *smile*
There are mountain of works waiting for me. Time management is so important. How I wish I could have extra more hours everyday. I knew my time has to be in better arrangement otherwise I won't feel this way.
Although life is busy but I'm happy. =)
When I look into the heaven at night, I remembered the words of Psalmist: " The heaven declare the glory of God" (Ps. 19:1).
Thank you Father.
Have a good night everybody..
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
Overflowing Joy
今天是我上第一堂绘画班的大日子, 一大清早天还未亮就出门了。 丢下画笔有八年,真的很想再学画很久了。。 所以心情是很兴奋的, 虽然堵车将近一个小时, 但是一点也没有影响我亮亮的心情。 ^^
老师是一位脸上架着眼镜,有着亲切笑容, 温文儒雅的书生。啊不好意思, 但那的确是他给我的第一印相。。 *笑*
班上总共有七位学生, 我是最年轻的。其他有退休人士和绘画老师, 全部都很厉害呢! 他们都是我的前辈,有画水彩的,油画的,甚至还有一位最大年纪的外籍老太太画印象画呢! 真的很佩服她, 虽然我看了很久还是不懂她在画什麽 >.< 重拾回画笔的感觉非常好,技巧当然生疏了,不过我有信心很快能追回来。 因为我实在很爱画画 ^^ 第一堂课。。
八年没拿画笔了, 得多多练习了~
上完课,继续好心情。跟爸妈吃午餐,我们选择PJ old town 的怡保鸡饭。除了这些, 还有芽菜和肉丸,都是我爱吃的~ ^^
接下来,我要介绍我家的新成员咯, 它就是------ Jack!别动!要拍照咯!
哈啰!又可爱又黑的 Jack 就是我啦!
不知不觉Jack来我们家已有一星期了,它即聪明又惹人喜爱。 还有很多很淘气的举动,每次都惹得我们哈哈大笑, 家里有它之后也增添了不少生气 =)
But the fruit of the Spirit is.....joy. GALATIANS 5:22