Saturday 7 February 2009

Pizza: Vegetarian and Cheeseless

My family is trying to eat less cheese and dairy. So with homemade vegetarian pizzas for dinner, I decided to make mum and dad a cheese-less version.

Pita bread with tomato paste, chopped tomatoes, capsicums, green beans, olives, mushrooms.

I cracked an egg in the centre and sprinkled some dukkah (an Egyptian blend of spices and crushed nuts), salt, and cracked pepper all over. Into a 180C oven for 20 minutes.

The smell of the roasted dukkah was INCREDIBLE. My goodness, I could hardly contain myself.

And then I noticed that I had accidentally crumbled feta onto it… CHEESE! OOPS. Silly me. So I decided to eat it myself.

(I made them another one! I’m not that mean!)



Hahahaha....1st time heard cheese-less pizza! ofcourse it's tastier with CHEESEEEEEE.....^^

but sure, for own healty, not dare to eat much...=p getting fatter edi...T.T

jess said...

It's more heeeeeaaaalthy laaaa.. that's why call cheeeeessseee lesss-pizaaaaa mahhh ... =p