Wednesday, 25 November 2009

My life in point form

Argh..I've been SO BUSY.

I've been taking up two difficult task at same time and going for 2 important interviews in next month. It's gonna be tough. *pray hard*

I've bought myself a new hand phone finally! *grin* I bought another cheaper hp instead of my dream I-Phone due to my "big head prawness". Well, my highest record was losing 2 hand phones within a year. Ahem... so I'm very proud of the wise decision that I've made, and I just love my new hand phone! It's adorable, it's printed with beautiful floral and it's white!

I am having bad flu since last week, it still doesn't go away after taking the medicine. And I think I can't live without ice and ice and ice.....cream! When can I hear my sweet voice again? I'm just sick of my husky voice now!

I'm going to take part in another marathon in December. It's fund raising event for my primary school, anyone who is interested just pop me an email. And I shall sent you a link.

Christmas is at the corner, time really flies. I still thought of my last warmest white Christmas in Winter Korea. And I've started to prepare all the Christmas prezzies! My heart and mood is swinging with the jingles and bells in the air! ^^

And I'm leaving to Bangkok in Christmas for one whole week! Yay!


Quin 君 said...

I know....leaving me here...Sad,Lonely Christmas. =(

hahahaha...I'm sure you'll have a blast in Bangkok and shall not forget to bring back some goodies! =p

I'm feeling the end of 22 blues... soon... =)

jess said...

Thank you...but it's a neglected blog.. I'm too busy for blogging..

Will start to blog again.. *hopefully* =)